The Easiest Hack to Buying Solar In Nigeria

The world of solar is so vast and all customers need to be treated like Goldilocks. We need to find a system that is just right. Some people want to reduce their energy bills, others are okay with the cost just don’t want any interruption. Some are on-grid and want to go off-grid; others are off-grid and just want to charge their appliances at night.

Communicating your solar goals is a good place to start.

After that, determine the appliances you want to power. Things like air conditioners and water heaters consume at least about 700x (?) more energy than things like light bulbs and charging phones. We can get estimates of your total consumption based on the appliances or load you want to power.

In this article, we break down how to figure out the exact consumption info by finding the wattage, so review that for an accurate load analysis. The more power the appliances consume, the larger solar system you’d need and the larger the system, the more expensive it is.

Now, before you start worrying about the cost, remember we ensure to find a system that is just right for your budget too! We do detailed cost analysis based on your current expenditure and offer you payment plans if needed.
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We’d previously collaborated with The Circle, a social members club in Lagos, and someone asked me for a hack to quickly get a quote that works for them and their members. The illustration above explains the standard things everyone should understand when getting solar and you can help us help you much faster.

The hack I shared that day for that particular audience encouraged them to go for a modular system and install their project in phases. We have seen frequently how customers start small with solar and work their way up and how much they enjoy it. You can tell us that ideally you want to power your 3 ACs for 8 hours daily but your budget is N2m at the moment. We will happily map out phases that enable you to build towards your dream system. We will price out a system within your budget now so you start saving money, then when you are ready you can increase your capacity.

Ultimately, remember that you are Goldilocks and there are endless permutations of solar options. We have built our process such that you can be as selective as you want. There are no silly questions or requests so book a call with Afolabi today so he can find you the system that is just right for you.

That’s it – that’s the hack! If you have any other hacks, please leave them in the comment section below!

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